A selected listing of activist events in Poughkeepsie and the Mid-Hudson area. We compile most of our events from Activist Resource and the Hudson Valley Activist Newsletter, so be sure to check these sites for more more comprehensive and up-to-date listings.
Monday, April 29th @6:00 PM: Meeting to "Raise the Age" of teens tried as adults in New York State at the auditorium of the Coykendall Science Building at SUNY New Paltz. The meeting is being sponsored by the SUNY New Paltz Black Studies Department, SUNY NP Black Student Union, SUNY NP Students for a Sensible Drug Policy, and the SUNY NP Student Association.
Speakers will include Speakers include Diana Metz, SUNY New Paltz student; Hernan Carvente, a John Jay student who was formerly incarcerated as a teenager; Jim LeCain, director of the College Program at Brookwood Secure Center; Judge Michael Corriero: director of New York Center for Juvenile Justice; and Domanique, a young woman who was accused of a crime when she was 16, and is now a student at Baruch.
Information: n02221593@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu
Tuesday, April 30th: Fight with local resident Flavia Perry against Bank of America's attempt to foreclose on her home. The action will begin with a rally at Hulme Park, 72 Market Street in Poughkeepsie and continue with an occupation of the courtroom where her foreclosure trial will take place. The event is being organized by Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson Home Defense Association.
Visit nobodyleavesmidhudson.org to learn more
Wednesday, May 1st: May Day rallies will take place in Poughkeepsie AND New Paltz.
The New Paltz event is being billed the "Mayday $5K" and is bring organized by the New Paltz Student-Labor Coalition. The rally will take place at the SUNY New Paltz Academic Concourse from 12-1 PM and is focusing on winning a minimum of $5,000 per course for adjunct instructors. Speakers will address Adjunct Job Security & Compensation, Lecturer Workload, Campus Policies on Family Leave, Student Loan Interest Rates, Support for Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and and other pressing issues. After the event, participants will carpool to the rally in Poughkeepsie.
Information: United University Professors, cvenic@gmail.com
The Poughkeepsie event is rallying under the slogan, "Legalize, Organize, Unionize!" and is being organized by Vassar Movimento Estudiantil Chicana/o De Aztlán (MEChA), Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson, End the New Jim Crow Action Network (ENJAN), and Vassar Young Democratic Socialists. It will begin with activists assembled on the Vassar Quad from 2:30-3:30 PM, continuing with a march to the Family Partnership Center from 3:30-5:00, and ending with a rally and celebration of immigrant and workers' rights in front of the Center until 7:00.
Information: (615) 306 5531, mecha.vsa@vassar.edu
Monday, April 29th @6:00 PM: Meeting to "Raise the Age" of teens tried as adults in New York State at the auditorium of the Coykendall Science Building at SUNY New Paltz. The meeting is being sponsored by the SUNY New Paltz Black Studies Department, SUNY NP Black Student Union, SUNY NP Students for a Sensible Drug Policy, and the SUNY NP Student Association.
Speakers will include Speakers include Diana Metz, SUNY New Paltz student; Hernan Carvente, a John Jay student who was formerly incarcerated as a teenager; Jim LeCain, director of the College Program at Brookwood Secure Center; Judge Michael Corriero: director of New York Center for Juvenile Justice; and Domanique, a young woman who was accused of a crime when she was 16, and is now a student at Baruch.
Information: n02221593@hawkmail.newpaltz.edu
Tuesday, April 30th: Fight with local resident Flavia Perry against Bank of America's attempt to foreclose on her home. The action will begin with a rally at Hulme Park, 72 Market Street in Poughkeepsie and continue with an occupation of the courtroom where her foreclosure trial will take place. The event is being organized by Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson Home Defense Association.
Visit nobodyleavesmidhudson.org to learn more
Wednesday, May 1st: May Day rallies will take place in Poughkeepsie AND New Paltz.
The New Paltz event is being billed the "Mayday $5K" and is bring organized by the New Paltz Student-Labor Coalition. The rally will take place at the SUNY New Paltz Academic Concourse from 12-1 PM and is focusing on winning a minimum of $5,000 per course for adjunct instructors. Speakers will address Adjunct Job Security & Compensation, Lecturer Workload, Campus Policies on Family Leave, Student Loan Interest Rates, Support for Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and and other pressing issues. After the event, participants will carpool to the rally in Poughkeepsie.
Information: United University Professors, cvenic@gmail.com
The Poughkeepsie event is rallying under the slogan, "Legalize, Organize, Unionize!" and is being organized by Vassar Movimento Estudiantil Chicana/o De Aztlán (MEChA), Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson, End the New Jim Crow Action Network (ENJAN), and Vassar Young Democratic Socialists. It will begin with activists assembled on the Vassar Quad from 2:30-3:30 PM, continuing with a march to the Family Partnership Center from 3:30-5:00, and ending with a rally and celebration of immigrant and workers' rights in front of the Center until 7:00.
Information: (615) 306 5531, mecha.vsa@vassar.edu