Sunday, April 14, 2013

Charlie's Letters: The Budget Blues

The following is an open letter to Congressman Chris Gibson (Republican, NY's 20th District) from local activist Charlie Davenport. While the editors of this blog may have differences with the opinions expressed in letters submitted to us, we believe they should always be published. Send us your thoughts on this or any subject at 

Dear Congressman Gibson,

I appreciate your earnest letter responding to my concerns about the federal budget. We do have some differences of opinion.

I don’t believe that there is, as you stated, “universal agreement among both parties that the primary driver of our deficit is entitlement spending”. You might consult with Sen.  Bernie Sanders on this issue.  Consider that  former President  Reagan said: “Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. Social Security is totally funded by the payroll tax ... if you reduce the outflow of Social Security, that money would not go into the general fund to reduce the deficit.” (Oct. 7, 1984)

By choosing Obama-Biden over Romney-Ryan in November 2012, the American people spoke emphatically. They do not want cuts to Medicare and Social Security.

I am not interested in discussing who’s to blame for the current budget crisis and sequester.    
Primarily, what I would like to know is: with the Stock Market at an all time high, corporate profits at an all time high, CEO pay at record levels, and non-banking corporations holding cash reserves of $2.2 trillion, why are  Republicans in the House and Senate asking for sacrifices from veterans, senior citizens, the unemployed, poor children and others least able to afford sacrifices?

I ask you to join with other reasonable House Representatives to work for a long term budgetary solution that preserves the meager economic progress the country has recently enjoyed, and is fair to all.

                        Charles Davenport

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